Lofi studio – A team of experienced professionals

Mind Temple - Tenno

September 19, 2022
Client : Lofi Records
Work ordered : Vinyl cover and assets

Tenno is climbing up to the heights of his imagination in ‘Mind Temple’. Influences of East Asian instruments sound in between cinematic drums and sweeping melodies that lift your soul higher than the clouds, whilst playful chimes and organic textures sweeten the air like petals. As you ascend the staircase, you notice the air feels lighter and stiller – this is the gateway to calmer realms, where the most innovative of ideas are waiting to be discovered.


Team :
Carole : Executive Producer
Surendra Rajawat : Illustrator

Animation commissioned by the beatmaker.

Project artists

Carole Edel
French executive art director and producer, head of Lofi Studio.
Surendra Rajawat
Freelance Environment concept Artist and illustrator working for video games and animation industry. He loves doing nature based art.